The Spiritual Importance of Keeping Clean
In our current coronavirus age, the importance of being clean has never been so obvious. However, in addition to washing our hands, wearing masks, and maintaining social distance, there are spiritual dimensions to cleanliness that are important to understand.
From a spiritual perspective, it’s important to maintain an impeccable space. In this view, cleanliness is about much more than germs. Cleanliness is about energy, thoughts, and Qi. Cleanliness is about purity of our patterns.
Maintaining a clean home space helps to keep your mind clean and your heart pure. In a clean space you can more readily analyze and become aware of unhealthy habits and entities that are inhabiting your space — your energy field, your home, and your body.
This might be uncomfortable to read. It might make you uncomfortable. It certainly makes me. But the truth is that on higher spiritual or subtle planes, which we are usually unconscious of or only partially aware, there are all sorts of figures and beings wrestling and grappling for our attention. In a shamanic context, we would call these entities. These entities can enter our energy and consciousness fields via affinity, and once they do, they fedd off your Life Force. Like a virus, they need a host to perpetuate themselves, and so they cling to you the way gunk clings to an old and dirty drain.
This might sound far fetched, but this is just the shamanic way of thinking of things. In psychological language, we can call the same phenomena addictions, unhealthy habits, and neuroses. On the most mundane of levels, this is about where we direct our time, thoughts, and energy. Where attention goes, energy flows. Habitually putting our energy toward negative or draining topics reflects dark patterns and entities holding on.
The way to clear them off of you is to wake up and clear your space. Clean your house. Clean your life. Wash yourself clear and look clearly and accurately at what is going on in your life.
It can be scary to face the reality of these things. But, cleaning is empowering. You always have the power and the choice of what you want kept in your life.
An important note on cleaning: like everything, cleaning is only truly done when you are in a relaxed and balanced state. Neurotic or obsessive cleaning is not helpful, and is actually just a perpetuation of the unhealthy patterns and negative energy. Purifying not about controlling, or being up tight. But you can be extremely thorough and vigilant in getting into every nook and every cranny, and getting all the way in there.
To learn more about how to purify your living space and lifestyle, you can sign up for our newsletter, or schedule your Soul Session Energy Assessment today!
Happy cleaning.